Since Xero announced that Workflow Max is being retired in June 2024, we have been busy researching and evaluating options.
After narrowing down a list of over 100, we have chosen the following to recommend, support and implement.
Workflow Max 2 - By Bluerock - Available early 2024
Work Guru - Great for business that sell time and items e.g. manufacturers.
Project Works - Great for professional services firms
Next Minute - Ideal for the construction industry
Total Synergy - Good option for architects or engineers
These products are great options to replace Workflow Max when you are ready.
They are also run by great teams, that we are confident will support us and our clients well.
Announcing Workflow Max Office Hours
There is a lot to learn and decide over the next year, we are launching free monthly Workflow Max office hours.
These short sessions will focus on what you need to know as you plan your move.
Our first session will cover what you need to consider when choosing a new system and the steps involved in moving.
Recent Articles
When workflow Max is retired in June 2024 your data will also be deleted. While exact detail has not yet been provided, here are a few options to consider if you are moving to a new system now.
The retirement of Workflow Max retirement means lots of business have to decide what to do with a system that they have used for years.
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If you or others on your team would like to be updated with options: