Power BI Training Courses
Private Virtual Classes
Learn together as a team at a time that suits you.
Bring the team together wherever they are based. Our short two-hour virtual workshops are a quick and fun way to learn.
In this training workshop on Power BI - Data Visualisation you will learn how to create and edit reports and dashboards in Power BI.
This course is ideal for those that are new to Power BI.

Power BI - Data Visualisation
An ideal overview of f Microsoft Power BI for those that have not used Power BI before.
You will learn how to create and edit reports and dashboards in Power BI.
Importing data, and what to do if data needs updating Understanding the layout and navigation
Reports vs Dashboards
Exercises during the workshop
Creating a report
Adding visualisations
Working with filters at a page and report level
Working with existing reports
Creating a dashboard
Transforming Data using Power Query or Power Pivot
Power BI Desktop
2 hr
$750 per class
Private Coaching
Learn just what you need to know for 1-2 people.
Focus on just what you need to know.
Virtual or at your office, an individual or series of coaching sessions is an ideal way to learn.
- 350 New Zealand dollars